
WMI hosts InTouch Ministries ‘Life Principles Conference’ in Tocoa, Honduras

 30 Life Principles

WMI hosts InTouch Ministries ‘Life Principles Conference’ in Tocoa, Honduras

The InTouch Ministries (ITM), with the support of Water Missions International/Misiones del Agua Internacional (WMI) has sponsored a Pastor’s Conference on Life Principles from March 17 through March 19, 2014 for more than thirty five pastors and leaders of peripheral and rural evangelical churches in the Department of Colon.  The event was held at the WMI headquarters in Tocoa and pastors or leaders from more than ten different denominations accepted the invitation to participate by making their own travel efforts.  All study materials, supplies, food and lodging were provided in a joint effort by WMI, ITM and the Berea Bible Institute in Tocoa.
Hector Chacon, WMI Honduras Country Director addressing and welcoming participants to the Conference.

WMI headquarters in Tocoa, Honduras

The course was taught by ITM’s pastors of the Spanish-speaking department, Joel Zaldumbide y José ‘Chema’ Reinoso, focused and based on Dr. Charles Stanley’s “30 Life Principles”, which basically outline 30 foundational truths that guide his life and ministry to this day.  The pastors from Colon were very motivated during the 20 hours the Conference lasted during these three days, showing an attitude to learn more about the different topics taught by pastors Reinoso and Zaldumbide  
Pr. Joel Zaldumbide, Conference facilitator on behalf of ITM

Pr. José 'Chema' Reinoso, Conference facilitator on behalf of ITM

The agenda of the Conference started with a praising and worship service lead by WMI’s Fredy Bonilla and Nelson Rodriguez each day, followed by a short meditation and devotional by local pastors attending the event.  Pastors Francisco Leiva, Juan Lopez and Noel Valle; of the Assemblies of God, Church of God and Baptist, respectively; shared these devotionals each of these three days.
WMI's Nelson and Fredy, leaidng the praise and worship service each morning

Colon Pastors and church leaders during devotionals

The event was a success taking into account the different denominations attending and the background of the pastors since most of them come from very poor communities, small churches and little or no formal pastor training to do their job, therefore, they are very eager to learn and be equipped to bring to Word of God to more and more people in need in this area of Honduras

Local pastors sharing a daily devotional with participants of the ITM/WMI Conference in Tocoa.
Above: Pr Francisco Leiva of the Berea Bible Institute Tocoa, middle: Pr. Juan Lopez of the Church of God Rio Esteban and bottom: Pr. Noel Valle of the Baptist Church Cuaca

They fully understood the expected goals and scope of the training and agreed to go out and replicate the knowledge learnt and will be looking forward to be contacted for follow up, among other, such as helping ITM to gain accountability towards broadcasting of the daily messages in local radio, tv and other media.  A good follow up of this first ‘pilot’ training will help bring additional training and tools to needy pastors and lay church leaders in order to comply with the Great Commandment in Mat. 28:18-20.  Also, about 80% of pastors and leaders attending this Seminar live in communities where WMI has installed Living Water Treatment Systems (LWTS™) through the Safe Water Colon (SWC), which is bringing safe water for cooking and drinking to more than 200 communities AND sanitation facilities through the Healthy Latrine™ to more than 16,000 families in the Colon Department, located in northern Honduras.  Through SWC, most of these Pastors have been involved in WaSH activities with WMI in one way or another because of the comprehensive Community Development program we are carrying out in these benefited areas, and this component with ITM will enhance the holistic approach to help the needy around the world to overcome poverty and lack of access to safe water and sanitation.

In general all pastors and attendees to the Seminar were so grateful for these teachings provided by Prs. Chema and Joel, stating they liked the non-doctrinal foundation topics covered under the Dr. Charles Stanley 'Life Prnciples'.  They only hope to share these lessons with people and other pastors in their areas and will be praying for this initiative to continue for their spiritual and leadership growth in Honduras.  We present a couple of testimonials we were able to collect from some of them:

Greetings appreciated  brothers...
I thank God for the "InTouch Ministry" by Dr. Charles Stanley for sending [these] two speakers (Pastor Chemita and Joel). For me it was a blessing that gave us exposure to the Principles of life, as indeed enriched my spiritual life.   I really liked having a sound doctrine clinging to Biblical truths.   My commitment is to share these resources that we shared with those who need to be grounded in the truth.   God's grace always be with them in this mission.   (Noe Sorto - Leader and Missionary Candidate to Indonesia -  Church to the Nations, La Ceiba, Atlantida, Honduras)
The seminar taught by Bro. Chema and Joel, was very helpful in my life and that important issues were discussed such as: Marriage, Life Principles and inductive methods.  I have personally responded by teaching in the church one of the topics and was a blessing for the members, and will continue to develop the remaining topics for the benefit of the whole congregation.  (Pr Ubaldo Ramirez Albarenga - Tree of Life Assemblies of God Church, El Briche, Bonito Oriental - Colon)

A side note to report is that both Pr Chema and Pr Joel accepted an Invitation from our local partner Church ‘Esperanza Viva’ to preach during a special two-nights Gospel Campaign for the Living Water message in the district of Colonia Favio Ochoa in Tocoa and God saved eleven thirsty souls during those two nights… Praise God!



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